CLIA supports the Capital Civic Center project.


Several of our supporters have asked about cruise industry support for the Capital Civic Center.  This was triggered by a recent article under the headline “Cruise industry says Marine Passenger Fees being spent illegally”, in the Juneau Empire’s May 12, 2024 issue which left the impression that Cruise Lines International Association opposes funding for the Center.

Our project was NOT among the proposed expenditures objected to by the industry. In fact, the $3 million appropriation was part of a 2022 agreement between CLIA and the CBJ authorizing marine passenger proceeds up to $10 million and reaffirmed in an August 29, 2023 from Renée Limoge Reeve, Vice President of Government and Community Relations Cruise Lines International Association:
“Under the terms of the amended settlement reached between CLIA and the City & Borough of Juneau (CBJ) in March 2022, CLIA agreed not to object to “a Fee expenditure in Zone B of an amount not to exceed $10 million ($10,000,000), over no longer than a five-year period, but no less than a three-year period, for the Centennial Hall Expansion Project (also known as the “Capital Civic Center”). Applying these funds to the arts and culture phase – Phase 2 – of the project will materially expedite completion of the entire civic center. The expansion and improvements will benefit the community and visitors alike, a benefit to all.”

Please share this information with others so that we can quickly dispel any misunderstandings about the appropriation.

Thank you,
Bob Banghart
Executive Director