

Groundbreakers are individuals and businesses committing $10,000 or more toward the project, payable over a span of three years, with the intent of getting shovels in the ground as soon as possible.

You are invited to be part of Juneau’s history as a visionary community member committed to our long-range future: Become a Groundbreaker today.

Become a Groundbreaker

Above and Beyond Alaska
The Akiyama Family
Alaska Airlines
Alaska Community Foundation, Marquez Family Fund
Alaska Vision Center
Avista Foundation
Bob Banghart and Laura Lucas
Milt Barker
Vicki Bassett and Eric Olsen
Bauer/Clifton Interiors
Baxter Bruce & Sullivan PC
Behrends Mechanical
Kris Benson
The Smith Family, In Memory of Betty J. Smith
Joyanne Bloom
Tom, Eva, Sara, and Sam Bornstein
Bruce & Lupita Botelho
Chrystal Brand, in memory of Larry Sommers
Linda Buckley
Jeff Bush
Timothy Calkins
Annie Calkins and Dave Hunsaker
Annie and Bud Carpeneti
Bing Carrillo
Rick and Annie Caulfield
City & Borough of Juneau
Jim and Susan Clark
John and Marian Clough
Coeur Alaska
Tamara and Greg Cook
Cornerstone General Contractors Inc.
Larry and Sue Cotter
Peggy Cowan
Susan Cox and Tom Nave
Terry Cramer
David and Martha Dantzic
Kent and Jenny Dawson
The DeCherney Family
Sharon and Bruce Denton
Elgee Rehfeld, LLC
Bob Engelbrecht
Dawn Findley-Groves
In Memory of Sally Short, an English girl who struck out around the world but got sidetracked with a carpenter and spent 50 years in Alaska
Cindy and John Gaguine
Sharon Gaiptman and Peter Freer
Kim Garnero and Dan Rounsley
In Memory of Jay Ginter
Goldstein Improvement Company
Shari and Hugh Grant
Rosemary and Clark Gruening
Haight & Associates, Inc.
Scott and Patricia Hartman
Jim and Katharine Heumann
Patricia Hull
Sarah Isto and Gordon Harrison
Bruce and Catherine Johnson
JSL Group at Merrill Lynch

Juneau Community Foundation
Sue and Tom Koester
Kreher Family
Linda Kruger
Gladi Kulp and Jon Pond
Donald Kussart
Janet Kussart
Lawson Narr Lair
Madeleine Lefebvre and Dave Dierdorff
Amy and Stan Lujan
Ron and Kathy Maas
Madden Associates
Pam and Dave Marquez
In Memory of Kathryn Shelton
The McPhetres Family
Marjorie Menzi and Bill Heumann
Ted and Lucy Merrell
Mark and Esther Millea
David and Kristen Miller
Bruce and Judith Morley
Julie and Peter Neyhart
Julie Kristin North
NorthWind Architects
Virginia Palmer
Paul G. Allen Foundation
Art Peterson
John and Margaret Pugh
George and Debbie Reifenstein
Robert Rogers
Linda and Paul Rosenthal
Rothaus - Stanley Family
John Roxburgh and George W. Lee
Kathy Ruddy
Jan Rutherdale
The Sauerteig Family
Janet Schempf
Elaine and Bob Schroeder
Barbara Sheinberg and Norman Cohen
In Loving Memory of Kathryn Shelton
Gail Sieberts
Mary Pat Schilly and John Sisk
Susan and Jeff Sloss
Phil and Deborah Smith
Sally Smith
Julia Smith-Kibby
Southeast Radiation Oncology
Reed Stoops and Betsy Brenneman
In Memory of Jenna Swanson
Ann Symons
The Carr Foundation
Fran Ulmer
John and Dawn Walsh
Doug Weaver
Mary Wegner
Ral West and John Hardwick
John Wilson
Wendy Wolf and John Osborne
Dawn Wolfe and Bob Janes